Wednesday, October 26, 2005

All gone...

Well I just had my first experience with writing a fairly long piece, ramblings about Autumn and how giddy it makes me, questions about the purpose of blogging and what to do with this one, only to have it disappear when I hit send and there was no connection to the net. Sigh. Live and learn.

I don't have the heart to re-write it, it included juicy tidbits about "Sweetbaby" and her "charts"(not astrological thank you) which seem to be saying "the rabbit is dead" but which the visit to the drs said "wrong, rabbit is dashing about in the cabbage patch alive and well."...I told her that I have always tested negatively in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy even with highly sensitive blood tests...Meanwhile I suggested she avoid anything that would be ill advised if she were pregnant and try to relax in the breath holding wait. No they are not "trying," girls in my line have never conceived of the word trying when concerning babies but then, she's the first in a while to be on the right side of the broom jump when dashing off for bloodwork. God has been very merciful to moi.


Hobster said...

Given your connection, you're going to want to copy and paste your blogs from Notepad so you don't have to worry about that :)

Anonymous said...

Susan you use such quaint sayings. The rabbit is dead...
Keep us posted! I like this blog!